Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Corn Maze

We went to a Corn Maze for FHE. The kids each took turns holding the flashlight and choosing which way to go. At the end, I got tired of wandering through the maze and led the way out. We spent over half an hour walking around in there. I think the kids had fun. I'm not sure what B thought.
I actually did some housework today. I cleaned both upstairs toilets and sinks. I had to stop at the floor because two little boys had made off with the "inside broom" and turned into an "outside broom." So I bought myself a new broom when I went grocery shopping this afternoon.
I'm very tired. Chad and I spent two hours preparing our lesson for Church next week. We didn't get to bed until nearly 1 AM after doing that, working with Rebekah and nursing Daniel through a cough that was keeping him awake. I didn't get a nap because I was grocery shopping. Maybe tomorrow.
Daniel stayed home from school today because of his cough. He goes back tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

  1. He he he
    That was so fun.It's true..
    When I got to try to choose the way... Ha ha ha
    I was so nervous...
    Anyway missed you all so much...
    P.s. Good for me that you weren't going to that gost stuff...
    I might be crazy for 3 days...
    P.s.2 I really miss Sunday classes.

    B (^.^")
