Thursday, April 19, 2012

Joseph's Cover of Many Colors

Joseph advanced to a twin mattress on Monday.  In our family that earns you a mom-made blanket to fit the bed.  This has got Joseph all a flutter!

We went through my bins of fabric and chose the brightest colors we could find.  I cut out 48 12.5" squares of fabric.  He'll need sunglasses just to fall asleep at night!

Wow.  I don't even know how I am going to make sense of it all.  Anyone want to help me tie it next week?  :)


  1. That looks really cool. You have lots of fun fabrics. Joseph looks like he's enjoying it already.

  2. Bring it on down!! The quilting frames are already up in the living room (with Aaron's quilt on it) Going to get it done this week with Irene N's help. (you could also bring down YOUR quilt!)
